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Introduction to aleppo



EPOC help is delivered in the form of a database of help topics, as shown in the following example  — topic list on right hand side of diagram. Each topic has a title, body text, application name, and some synonyms to aid in topic searching. Aleppo generates help databases from source documents in which each of these fields is identified by style marked paragraphs.

Example help database

Groups of applications released simultaneously may, optionally, share a help database. This is the method used to provide Help for the standard EPOC applications. The application name can be used to locate all the topics belonging to a specific application. Synonyms provide alternative keywords for locating a topic during a search. For more information on Help file structure see Help database structure.

Aleppo supports various localisation and customisation options that can be used to change the topic order and appearance of the final help database. The following sections explain help file generation in greater detail.

The help authoring process

The process of aleppo help authoring is illustrated in the following diagram:

Operation of aleppo

Aleppo is invoked with a single command, that specifies the type of output file to be produced and the name of a project file. The project file, see Project files, defines the location of all project resources needed to generate the help database, including source files, source directories, graphics directories, working directories and output files/directories.

The project file must specify a source rich-text file for every application to be stored in the database. Topic fields in the final database, e.g. topic title, body text, synonyms etc., are represented by style-marked paragraphs in each rich-text file.

The project file may also, optionally, specify the location of an order file and/or a customisation file. These files determine the order of selected topics, and the appearance of text in the final database, respectively.

The process of help authoring is thus:

  1. edit rich-text source files using a word processor that can generate the styles used by aleppo e.g. Microsoft Word for Windows documents based on the epochelp.dot template
  2. create project, customisation and order files
  3. invoke aleppo to convert to a target format
  4. check the generated help database
  5. if changes are required, make them in the word processor and re-run aleppo.

Styled markup

In order to use aleppo successfully, it is important to know something about how rich-text files are used in the conversion process. The conversion is based on styled markup. It conveys no formatting information from the rich-text file, except for bold, italic, subscript and superscript, and the style names of paragraphs and characters. It does not convey tabs, hard line breaks (shift+enter), or any other formatting information such as fonts, underline, margin settings, borders etc. This means that character and paragraph styles must be used to convey all formatting information to aleppo.

Aleppo is supplied with a document template for Microsoft Word, which contains all the styles needed for EPOC help authoring.

Aleppo quick start

Section Contents

Creating aleppo source documents

Source .rtf files

To create an aleppo rich-text source file using Microsoft Word:

  1. do File | New, and select the epochelp template
  2. enter the application name in Heading 1 style at the top of the document
  3. enter topic titles in Heading 2 style
  4. enter topic body text below each title, in Normal style.
  5. do File | Save As, and select Rich Text Format (*.rtf) as the type of file

For more information on the format of aleppo RTF files, see RTF file format.

Project files

To create an aleppo project file:

  1. copy an existing project file e.g. \aleppo\projdir\boss.alp
  2. change fields to reflect the structure of the current project.

For more information on the format of aleppo project files, see Project files.

Optional files

An order file can be created to specify the order that topics appear in the help database. If no order file is defined, topics are displayed alphabetically. For more information on order files, see Order files.

A customisation file can be created to specify the appearance of the help database, including the font used for text, its size, and the appearance of tip, important and note effects. If no customisation file is specified, a default appearance is applied. For more information on customisation files, see Customisation files.

Running aleppo

To run aleppo,

  1. bring up a command prompt, or MS-DOS window
  2. ensure that all source files have been saved
  3. either type aleppo -epoc project-file for help database output or aleppo -html project-file to make a html proof of the help. Note that the project-file must include the extension, as the suggested extension .alp is not enforced.
  4. inspect the output
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