Usage: a=ABS(x)
Returns the absolute value of a floating-point number that is, without any +/- sign for example ABS(-10.099) is 10.099
If x is an integer, you wont get an error, but the result will be converted to floating-point for example ABS(-6) is 6.0. Use IABS to return the absolute value as a long integer.
Usage: a=ACOS(x)
Returns the arc cosine, or inverse cosine (COS-1) of x.
x must be in the range -1 to +1. The number returned will be an angle in radians. To convert the angle to degrees, use the DEG function.
Usage: a&=ADDR(variable)
Returns the address at which variable is stored in memory.
The values of different types of variables are stored in bytes starting at ADDR(variable). See PEEK for details. The return type of this function should be a long integer, however if the 64K memory limit is set via SETFLAGS, a& is guaranteed to fit into an integer.
Usage: pcelln&=ADJUSTALLOC(pcell&,off&,am&)
Opens or closes a gap at off& within the allocated cell pcell&, returning the new cell address or zero if out of memory. off& is 0 for the first byte in the cell. Opens a gap if the amount am& is positive, and closes it if negative. An error will be raised if the cell address argument is not in the range known by the heap.
See also SETFLAGS if you require a 64K limit to be enforced on 32-bit target devices. If the flag is set to restrict the limit, pcelln& is guaranteed to fit into an integer.
See ALLOC. See also Dynamic memory allocation.
Cells are allocated lengths that are the smallest multiple of four greater than the size requested because the ARM processor requires a four-byte word alignment for its memory allocation. The ARM processor is used in the Psion Series 5 and other EPOC devices.
Usage: any of
r%=ALERT(m1$,m2$,b1$,b2$,b3$) r%=ALERT(m1$,m2$,b1$,b2$) r%=ALERT(m1$,m2$,b1$) r%=ALERT(m1$,m2$) r%=ALERT(m1$)
Presents an alert a simple dialog with the messages and keys specified, and waits for a response. m1$ is the message to be displayed on the first line, and m2$ on the second line. If m2$ is not supplied or if it is a null string, the second message line is left blank.
Up to three keys may be used. b1$, b2$ and b3$ are the strings (usually words) to use over the keys. b1$ appears over an Esc key, b2$ over Enter, and b3$ over Space. This means you can have Esc, or Esc and Enter, or Esc, Enter and Space keys. If no key strings are supplied, the word CONTINUE is used above an Esc key.
The return value, r%, is one of the following:
1 |
The Esc key. |
2 |
The Enter key. |
3 |
The Space bar. |
These constants are supplied in Const.oph.
Usage: pcell& = ALLOC(size&)
Allocates a cell on the heap of the specified size, returning the pointer to the cell or zero if there is not enough memory.
See also SETFLAGS if you require a 64K limit to be enforced on 32-bit target devices. If the flag is set to restrict the limit, pcelln& is guaranteed to fit into an integer.
See ADJUSTALLOC, REALLOC, and FREEALLOC. See also Dynamic memory allocation.
Cells are allocated lengths that are the smallest multiple of four greater than the size requested because the ARM processor requires a four-byte word alignment for its memory allocation. The ARM processor is used in the Psion Series 5 and other EPOC devices.
APP caption,uid& ... ENDA
Begins definition of an OPL application. caption is the applications name (or caption) in the machines default language. Note that although caption is a string, it is not enclosed in quotes.
uid& is the applications UID. For distributed applications, official reserved UIDs must be used. These can be obtained by contacting Symbian Ltd (see OPL applications for details of how to do this).
All information included in the APP … ENDA structure will be used to generate a .AIF
file which specifies the applications caption in various languages, its icons for use on the System screen and its setting of FLAGS.
See also OPL applications for more details of OPL applications.
Warning: This function is deprecated and included only for compatibility with older versions of the OPL language. INSERT, PUT, and CANCEL should be used in preference to APPEND and UPDATE, although APPEND and UPDATE are still supported. However, note that APPEND can generate a lot of extra (intermediate) erased records. COMPACT should be used to remove them, or alternatively use SETFLAGS to set auto-compaction on.
Adds a new record to the end of the current data file. The record which was current is unaffected. The new record, the last in the file, becomes the current record.
The record added is made from the current values of the field variables A.field1$, A.field2$, and so on, of the current data file. If a field has not been assigned a value, zero will be assigned to it if it is a numeric field, or a null string if it is a string field.
PROC add: OPEN "address",A,f1$,f2$,f3$ PRINT "ADD NEW RECORD" PRINT "Enter name:", INPUT A.f1$ PRINT "Enter street:", INPUT A.f2$ PRINT "Enter town:", INPUT A.f3$ APPEND CLOSE ENDP
To overwrite the current record with new field values, use UPDATE.
See Database File Handling for more details. See also INSERT, MODIFY, PUT, CANCEL, SETFLAGS.
Usage: a%=ASC(a$)
Returns the character code of the first character of a$. Alternatively, use A%=%char to find the code for char - e.g. %X for X. If a$ is a null string ("") ASC returns the value 0.
Example: A%=ASC("hello") returns 104, the code for h.
See also: Character codes.
Usage: a=ASIN(x)
Returns the arc sine, or inverse sine (SIN-1) of x.
x must be in the range -1 to +1. The number returned will be an angle in radians. To convert the angle to degrees, use the DEG function.
Usage: AT x%,y%
Positions the cursor at x% characters across the text window and y% rows down. AT 1,1 always moves to the top left corner of the window. Initially, the window is the full size of the screen, but you can change its size and position with the SCREEN command.
A common use of AT is to display strings at particular positions in the text window. For example:
AT 5,2 :PRINT "message".
PROC records: LOCAL k% OPEN "clients",A,name$,tel$ DO CLS AT 1,7 PRINT "Press a key to" PRINT "step to next record" PRINT "or Q to quit" AT 2,3 :PRINT$ AT 2,4 :PRINT$ NEXT IF EOF AT 1,6 :PRINT "EndOfFile" FIRST ENDIF k%=GET UNTIL k%=%Q OR k%=%q CLOSE ENDP
Usage: a=ATAN(x)
Returns the arc tangent, or inverse tangent (TAN-1) of x.
The number returned will be an angle in radians. To convert the angle to degrees, use the DEG function.