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About OPL Keywords


Typing keywords

How commands are specified

Commands are specified as,

    COMMAND argument(s)

where argument(s) follow the command after a space and are separated from each other by commas. The arguments may include:

For example, AT X%,Y% might be used like this: AT 15,2

How functions are specified

Functions are specified as,


where variable may be f% or f& for a function returning an integer or long integer result, f for a function returning a floating-point result, or f$ for a function returning a string result. The argument(s):

E.g. f$=LEFT$(g$,x%) might be used like this: PRINT LEFT$(fname$,2)

If you use the wrong type of number as an argument it will, where possible, be converted. For example, you can use an integer for a floating-point argument, or a long integer for an integer argument. If the conversion is not possible — for example, if you use a floating-point number for an integer argument and its value is outside the range of integers an error will be produced and the program stopped. Some functions, such as GET, have no arguments.

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