This procedure finds out on which day of the week people were born.
PROC Birthday: LOCAL day&,month&,year&,DayInWk% DO dINIT dTEXT "","Enter your date of birth",2 dTEXT "","Use numbers, eg 23 12 1963",$202 dLONG day&,"Day",1,31 dLONG month&,"Month",1,12 dLONG year&,"Year",1900,2155 IF DIALOG=0 BREAK ENDIF DayInWk%=DOW(day&,month&,year&) CLS :PRINT DAYNAME$(DayInWk%),day&,month&,year& dINIT "Again?" dBUTTONS "No",%N,"Yes",%Y UNTIL DIALOG<>%y ENDP
The DOW function works out what day of the week, from 1 to 7, a date is. The DAYNAME$ function then converts this to MON, TUE and so on. MON is 1 and SUN is 7.