When the program is run, a message is displayed saying that the dice is rolling. You then press a key to stop it. A random number from one to six is displayed and you choose whether to roll again or not.
PROC dice: LOCAL dice% DO CLS :PRINT "DICE ROLLING:" AT 1,3 :PRINT "Press a key to stop" DO dice%=(RND*6+1) AT 1,2 :PRINT dice% UNTIL KEY BEEP 5,300 dINIT "Roll again?" dBUTTONS "No",%N,"Yes",%Y UNTIL DIALOG<>%y ENDP
In this example, the RND function returns a random floating-point number, between 0 and 0.9999999... It is then multiplied by 6, and 1 is added, to give a number from 1 to 6.9999999... This is rounded down to a whole number (from 1 to 6) by assigning to the integer dice%.