The following module works on a data file called DATA, containing names, addresses, post codes and telephone numbers. It assumes this file has already been created with a statement like this:
CREATE "DATA",A,nm$,ad1$,ad2$,ad3$,ad4$,tel$
To use a database created with the Data application, see Database manipulation.
The first procedure is the controlling, calling procedure, offering you choices. The next two let you add or edit records.
PROC files: GLOBAL nm$(255),ad1$(255),ad2$(255) GLOBAL ad3$(255),ad4$(255),tel$(255),title$(30) LOCAL g% OPEN "DATA",A,nm$,ad1$,ad2$,ad3$,ad4$,tel$ DO CLS dINIT "Select action" dTEXT "Add new record","",$402 dTEXT "Find and edit a record","",$402 g%=DIALOG IF g%=2 add: ELSEIF g%=3 edit: ENDIF UNTIL g%=0 CLOSE ENDP PROC add: nm$="" :ad1$="" :ad2$="" ad3$="" :ad4$="" :tel$="" title$="Enter a new record" IF showd%: APPEND ENDIF ENDP PROC edit: LOCAL search$(30),p% dINIT "Find and edit a record" dEDIT search$,"Search string",15 IF DIALOG FIRST IF FIND("*"+search$+"*")=0 ALERT("No matching records") RETURN ENDIF DO nm$=A.nm$ :ad1$=A.ad1$ :ad2$=A.ad2$ ad3$=A.ad3$ :ad4$=A.ad4$ :tel$$ title$="Edit matching record" IF showd%: UPDATE :BREAK ELSE NEXT ENDIF FIND("*"+search$+"*") IF EOF ALERT("No more matching records") BREAK ENDIF UNTIL 0 ENDIF ENDP PROC showd%: LOCAL ret% dINIT title$ dEDIT nm$,"Name",25 dEDIT ad1$,"Street",25 dEDIT ad2$,"Town",25 dEDIT ad3$,"County",25 dEDIT ad4$,"Postcode",25 dEDIT tel$,"Phone",25 ret%=DIALOG IF ret% A.nm$=nm$ :A.ad1$=ad1$ :A.ad2$=ad2$ A.ad3$=ad3$ :A.ad4$=ad4$$=tel$ ENDIF RETURN ret% ENDP