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EDIT — Displays a string for editing

Usage: EDIT a$

Displays a string variable which you can edit directly on the screen. All the usual editing keys are available the arrow keys move along the line, Esc clears the line, and so on.

When you have finished editing, press Enter to confirm the changes. If you press Enter before you have made any changes, then the string will be unaltered.

If you use EDIT in conjunction with a PRINT statement, use a comma at the end of the PRINT statement, so that the string to be edited appears on the same line as the displayed string:

    PRINT "Edit address: ",
    EDIT A.address$


If the Esc key is pressed while no text is on the input line, the ‘Escape key pressed’ error (-144) will be returned by ERR provided that the EDIT has been trapped. You can use this feature to enable the user to press the Esc key to escape from inputting a string.

See also INPUT, dEDIT.


See IF.


See APP.





EOF — Checks for end-of-file

Usage:      e%=EOF

Finds out whether you’re at the end of a file yet.

Returns -1 (true) if the end of the file has been reached, or 0 (false) if it hasn’t.

When reading records from a file, you should test whether there are still records left to read, otherwise you may get an error.


    PROC eoftest:
          OPEN "myfile",A,a$,b%
                PRINT A.a$
                PRINT A.b%
                PAUSE -40
          UNTIL EOF
          PRINT "The last record"

ERASE — Erases a record in the current data file

Usage:      ERASE

Erases the current record in the current file.

The next record is then current. If the erased record was the last record in a file, then following this command the current record will be null and EOF will return true.

ERR — Number of last error

Usage:      e%=ERR

Returns the number of the last error which occurred, or 0 if there has been no error.


          PRINT "Enter age in years"
          TRAP INPUT age%
          IF ERR=-1
                PRINT "Number please:"
                GOTO age

You can set the value returned by ERR to 0 (or any other value) by using TRAP RAISE 0. This is useful for clearing ERR.

See also ERR$,ERRX$. See Runtime errors — Handling errors reported while running programs for full details, and OPL error values for the list of error numbers and messages.

ERR$ — Looks up an error message by number

Usage:      e$=ERR$(x%)

Returns the error message for the specified error code x%.

ERR$(ERR) gives the message for the last error which occurred. Example:

    TRAP OPEN "\FILE",A,field1$
    IF ERR
          PRINT ERR$(ERR)

See also ERR, ERRX$. See Runtime errors — Handling errors reported while running programs for full details, and OPL error values for the list of error numbers and messages.

ERRX$ — Gets an extended error message

Usage:      x$=ERRX$

Returns the current extended error message (when an error has been trapped), e.g.


which would have been presented as an alert if the error had not been trapped. This allows the list of missing externals, missing procedure names, etc. to be found when an error has been trapped by a handler.

See Runtime errors — Handling errors reported while running programs for full details, and OPL error values for the list of error numbers and messages.

ESCAPE OFF — Disables Ctrl+Esc



ESCAPE OFF stops Ctrl+Esc being used to break out of the program when it is running. ESCAPE ON enables this feature again.

ESCAPE OFF takes effect only in the procedure in which it occurs, and in any sub-procedures that are called. Ctrl+Esc is always enabled when a program begins running.

If your program enters a loop which has no logical exit, and ESCAPE OFF has been used, you will have to go to the Task list, move to the program name, and select Close file.

EVAL — Evaluates a mathematical expression

Usage:      d=EVAL(s$)

Evaluates the mathematical string expression s$ and returns the floating-point result. s$ may include any mathematical function or operator. Note that floating-point arithmetic is always performed.

EVAL runs in the "context" of the current procedure, so globals and externals can be used in s$, procedures in loaded modules can be called and the current values of gX and gY, can be used etc. LOCAL variables cannot be used in s$ (because the translator cannot deference them).

For example:

          AT 10,5 :PRINT "Calc:",
          TRAP INPUT n$
          IF n$="" :CONTINUE :ENDIF
          IF ERR=-114 :BREAK :ENDIF
          CLS :AT 10,4
          PRINT n$;"=";EVAL(n$)
    UNTIL 0

See also VAL.

EXIST — Checks if a file exists

Usage:      e%=EXIST(filename$)

Checks to see that a file exists. Returns KTrue% if the file exists and KFalse% if it doesn’t.

Use this function when creating a file to check that a file of the same name does not already exist, or when opening a file to check that it has already been created:

          CREATE "CLIENTS",A,names$
          OPEN "CLIENTS",A,names$

EXP — Exponential

Usage:      e=EXP(x)

Returns ex — that is, the value of the arithmetic constant e (2.71828...) raised to the power of x.

EXTERNAL — Declares procedure prototypes and external variables

Usage:      EXTERNAL variable
or      EXTERNAL prototype

Required if DECLARE EXTERNAL is specified in the module.

The first usage declares a variable as external. For example, EXTERNAL screenHeight%

The second usage declares the prototype of a procedure (prototype includes the final : and the argument list). The procedure may then be referred to before it is defined. This allows parameter type-checking to be performed at translate-time rather than at runtime and also provides the necessary information for the translator to coerce numeric argument types. This is reasonable because OPL does not support argument overloading. The same coercion occurs as when calling the built-in keywords.

Following the example of C and C++, you would normally provide a header file declaring prototypes of all the procedures and INCLUDE this header file at the beginning of the module which defines the declared procedures to ensure consistency. The header file would also be INCLUDEd in any other modules which call these procedures. Then you should use DECLARE EXTERNAL at the beginning of modules which include the header file so that the translator can ensure that these procedures are called with correct parameter types or types which can be coerced.

The following is an example of usage of DECLARE EXTERNAL and EXTERNAL:

    EXTERNAL myProc%:(i%,l&)      
    REM or INCLUDE "myproc.oph" that defines all your procedures
    PROC test:
          LOCAL i%,j%,s$(10)
          REM j% is coerced to a long integer
          REM as specified by the prototype.
          REM translator ‘Type mismatch’ error:
          REM string can’t be coerced to numeric type
          REM wrong argument count gives translator error
    PROC myProc%:(i%,l&)
          REM Translator checks consistency with prototype above


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