Usage: w%=WEEK(day%,month%,year%)
Returns the week number in which the specified day falls, as an integer between 1 and 53.
day% must be between 1 and 31, month% between 1 and 12, year% between 0 and 9999.
Each week is taken to begin on the Start of week day, as specified in the Control Panel. When a year begins on a different day to the start of the week, it counts as week 1 if there are four or more days before the next week starts.
The System setting of the Start of week may be checked from inside OPL by using the LCSTARTOFWEEK&: procedure in the Date OPX. The week number in the year may also be calculated by different rules and also with your own choice of the start of year by using the procedure DTWEEKNOINYEAR&: in Date OPX.
See Date.opx
Date and time manipulation for more details.
WHILE expression ... ENDWH
Repeatedly performs the set of instructions between the WHILE and the ENDWH statement, so long as expression returns true (non-zero).
If expression is not true, the program jumps to the line after the ENDWH statement.
Every WHILE must be closed with a matching ENDWH.
See also DO...UNTIL and Control structures.