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Animate — Animated bitmaps

This program requires five bitmap files — one.pic to five.pic. Each of these would differ slightly. They might, for example, be five ‘snapshots’ of a running human figure, each with the legs at a different point in their cycle.

The program copies each bitmap into a window of its own, then makes each window visible in turn, each time slightly further across the screen.

To make bitmap files, first draw the pattern you want with any of the graphics drawing commands. (Use gLINEBY 0,0 to draw single dots.) When the pattern is complete, use gSAVEBIT to make the bitmap file. For advanced animation, you could use a sprite as described in About OPXs.

    PROC animate:
          LOCAL id%(5),i%,j%,s$(5,10),w%,h%,edge%
          REM example width and height
          w%=16 :h%=28
          edge%=gWIDTH                    REM screen edge
          s$(1)="one.pic" :s$(2)="two.pic" :s$(3)="three.pic"
          s$(4)="four.pic" :s$(5)="five.pic" :j%=1
          WHILE j%<6
                gCOPY i%,0,0,w%,h%,3
                gCLOSE i% :j%=j%+1
          i%=0 :gORDER 1,9
                j%=(i%-5*(i%/5))+1                  REM (i% MOD 5)+1
                gVISIBLE OFF                        REM previous window
                gUSE id%(j%)                        REM new window
                gSETWIN i%,20                        REM position it
                gORDER id%(j%),1                  REM make foreground
                gVISIBLE ON                        REM make visible
                i%=i%+1 :PAUSE 2
          UNTIL KEY OR (i%>(edge%-w%))      
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