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About Emulator configuration



The main areas where configuration can take place are:

Most configuration settings are held in an Emulator configuration file. Some additional choices can be made through specifying command-line options when launching the Emulator.

Emulator configuration file

The Emulator configuration settings are held in a configuration file in the \epoc32\data\ directory. A configuration file can contain commands to define:

The default configuration file is called epoc.ini. To change these defaults, you can:

Any configuration file should have associated with it a bitmap file that is used as the fascia (the area with icons that surrounds the emulated window). The file must have the same name as configuration file being used — i.e. the default fascia is epoc.bmp. Licensee users can edit the fascia bitmap to present a different machine appearance.

Command line options

Command line options allow you to specify:

The form of command line options is:

<program> <option-list> --


the program you wish to invoke: epoc for a graphics shell, or the executable name for a text program


one or more options in the following form:



a single letter specifying the option type


option type-specific argument

Note that the option list must be terminated with two hyphens.

Options and arguments are case sensitive.

Selecting an Emulator configuration

The Emulator is supplied with various configuration files and fascia bitmaps that set the appearance of the Emulator to the standard screen sizes supported by EPOC Release 5:

You may select a configuration with the M command line option, giving the name of a configuration file as the option argument. For example, the following command runs the Emulator in a large screen mode (note the required trailing minus symbols):

    epoc -Mlarge –-
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